Car insurance, home insurance, travel insurance… It sucks how insurance bills just keep coming and coming. You have to pay for them. You know you need them. And when you finally make a claim, you’re glad you had the right insurance. Custom mouthguards are basically the best ever insurance policy you could ever have for […]
READ MOREThe Value Of Baby Teeth – What You Should Know
Adult teeth (permanent) are important. We only have one chance with them. There are no more backups if they fail. Unfortunately, baby teeth aren’t seen in the same light because they naturally fall out eventually. I mean, if it’s going to fall out anyway, why bother? They can suffer tooth decay, be removed early and […]
READ MOREThe Definitive Guide to Cleaning Kids Teeth!
We all know that parents want to look after their kids in the best way possible – but sometimes, brushing their teeth can prove to be a struggle! So here is: The Definitive Guide to Cleaning Kids Teeth by Method Dental. 0 – 18 Months Even before your baby has teeth coming through, you can […]